ZArchive: Disco Cheerio

We like saying Disco Cheerio is a radio show with lively music and conversation to pump up your weekend. It's actually just two guys talking in a basement.

Released on May 6, 2016
Length: 00:58:43
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That's it we're out

Together once again for the last episode of Disco Cheerio until the fall, Eric and Kevin will do nothing particularly special. This should not come as a surprise. We featured the artist Huey Lewis & The Newis, and primarily discussed partying strategies.

Released on Apr 15, 2016
Length: 01:00:14
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Pudding sandwich

This week, Kevin, Eric, and Jake collectively made strange noises into the microphone, disagreed wherever possible, and played less music than last week. Next week, we bring you breaking news.

Released on Apr 8, 2016
Length: 01:01:19
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To improve is to change

To perfect is to change often. The change in question is having Kevin on the show. Ben Franklin approves of his absence. We had Eric as the "Disco" and "Cheerio," and Jake Garber of What Radio? (Sunday nights from 10-midnight) as the " " between. We also had a special guest from off-campus, Mary Furman, and a caller for the first time in Disco Cheerio history. Next week, we interview President Barack Obama about the impact of narwhals on the national economy. And flatulence.

Released on Apr 1, 2016
Length: 01:03:52
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We have no friends

Kevin and Eric are back in the studio with no guests this week. Do you feel swindled? Too bad. We discussed tomatoms, conspiracy theories, and 8-bit music. Next week: we interview the college's cryptozoological flatulence expert, Jonny Bagelface Depp.

Released on Mar 4, 2016
Length: 01:02:50
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We apologize for any inconvenience

Unfortunately, Kevin joined us again this week. To make up for it, we also brought on a special guest Jay Bickford. We discussed Sloth Gollum, business naming strategies, and metal about the Swedish empire from 1600 to 1700.


WJRH is Lafayette College’s student run radio station broadcasting since 1946. You can listen to us on 104.9MHz on the radio in the Lehigh Valley area. Our studios are located in Hogg Hall, on Lafayette College’s campus.